Clearwater Lyft Accident Lawyers
While you may not remember how you managed to get around before you had a Lyft app on your phone, it’s important to know that Lyft accidents happen; they’re often quite dangerous, and recovering your full range of losses is legally challenging. If you were injured by a Lyft driver’s negligence, look to the skilled legal guidance of an experienced Clearwater Lyft accident attorney for the help you need.
Filing Your Claim
Many people who’ve been injured in Lyft accidents are unsure about what comes next. While it's always advised to seek immediate medical attention and consult with an experienced Lyft accident lawyer, the matter of how you file your claim will depend on where the Lyft driver was in the Lyft process at the time of the accident. Consider the following scenarios:
- The Lyft driver had a passenger, such as if you were injured as a passenger or if they were on the way to pick up a passenger, you’d file your claim with Lyft’s own provider.
- Suppose the Lyft driver was standing by on the Lyft app – waiting to be assigned a passenger – you’ll file your claim with the driver’s provider. Lyft drivers are required to carry specific amounts of coverage, and if your damages exceed these, you can seek additional compensation through Lyft’s policy.
- If the Lyft driver was no longer on the Lyft app, it means that the accident wasn’t a Lyft accident, and you will proceed by filing your claim with the driver’s insurance provider – just as you would after any other car accident.
Negligence and Lyft Accident Claims
Lyft accident claims are often the result of negligence on the part of the Lyft drivers, which can take many forms, including distraction, impairment, excess speed, exhaustion, and aggression. Lyft drivers are also subject to challenges that other drivers generally are not, including:
- They are required to interact with the Lyft app behind the wheel
- Often, they drive in areas they may not be familiar with
- Entering and exiting traffic often and making frequent stops – all of which increase the risk that accidents will happen
- They must locate waiting passengers in their midst
- Their pay is based on the number of trips they successfully complete, which can prompt some to cut safety corners
Your focused Lyft accident attorney will take the steps necessary to help prove that your Lyft driver is responsible for the losses you suffered.
Seeking Fair Compensation
In a Lyft accident claim, you can seek fair compensation for your losses in each of the following categories:
- Property damage to your vehicle and its contents
- Your related medical expenses
- Your lost earnings
- Your physical pain and emotional suffering
An Experienced Clearwater Lyft Accident Lawyer Can Help
The formidable Lyft accident attorneys at Tragos, Sartes & Tragos – proudly serving Clearwater, Florida – have earned a solid reputation for successfully handling complex Lyft accident claims, and we’re well prepared to do the same for you. Learn more about what we can do to help by contacting us online or calling 727-441-9030 today.