FREE CONSULTATION 24/7(727) 441-9030

Traumatic Brain Injury From Car Accident
Trucking Accident
Federal Civil Lawsuit
Hulk Hogan Settlement
Settlement for Battery
Double Policy Limits
Car Accident
Premises Liability Settlement
Settlement During Trial
Trucking Accident
MVA – Neurological Injury
Motor Vehicle Accident
Verdict Auto Accident
T-Bone Accident
T-Bone Car Accident
Insurance Coverage Dispute
Truck Accident
Rear End Settlement
3 Car Pileup
Parking Lot Accident
Verdict including prevailing attorneys fees and costs - Insurance Coverage Dispute
Commercial Motor Vehicle Accident
MVA- Wrongful Death
Rear-End collision
Rear End Car Accident
Truck Accident
Settlement RV Accident
Premises Liability – Head and neck injury
Dram Shop
MVA – neck and low back injury
Judgement Againast Convenience Store
Motor Vehicle Accident
Intentional Tort Settlement
Rear End Settlement
Insurance Coverage Dispute
MVA – Wrongful Death
Legal Malpractice
MVA – Neck and low back Injury
Rear-End Collision
Motorcycle Accident
Car Accident
Car Accident
MVA -Neck injury
Motorcycle accident
MVA -Neck Injury
Probate Dispute- undue influence
Jury Verdict – General Negligence – eye injury
Rear End Collision
Rear-end Collision
MVA- neck injury
MVA - neck injury
MVA- head injury
Car Accident
Motor Vehicle Accident
Motor Vehicle Accident
Insurance Coverage Dispute
Pedestrian hit by Motorcycle
MVA – Trucking accident
Insurance Coverage Dispute
Trip and Fall
MVA/Trucking accident
Nursing Home Neglect
Bycicle Accident
Car Accident
Rear-end Collision
Improper Touching
Nursing Home Negligence
Nursing Home Negligence
Car Accident
Sovereign Immunity Accident
Pedestrian hit by car
Motor Vehicle Accident
Nursing Home Negligence
Negligent Construction
Car Accident
Settlement Daycare Negligence
Trip and Fall
Motor Vehicle Accident
Nursing Home Negligence
Motor Vehicle Accident
Motor Vehicle Accident
Nursing Home Negligence
Rear-End Accident
Nursing Home Negligence
Nursing Home Negligence
T-Bone Accident
Pedestrian accident
Premises Liability
Slip and fall
Trip and Fall

Past Settlements & Verdicts

You should know that:
The settlement results displayed here are the gross amount of our clients’ verdict or settlement. Results may not be typical. Your result may not be as beneficial as the ones seen here.


Wrongful Death Motorcycle Accident - Policy Limits Settlement


Includes $405K final judgment post arbitration and $45K in settlements for our client – fractured eye socket during a night club fight in Tampa


Unsupervised patient fell, sustaining non-surgical hip injury.


The client was outside a convenience store and tripped and fell on the sidewalk suffering a broken ankle.


Client was injured in a motor vehicle accident and suffered soft-tissue injuries which resulted in conservative treatment.


Client suffered a broken bone in her wrist as a result of a motor vehicle accident.


Client suffered a lumbar herniation which required an injection.


Our client was rear ended, he sustained a disc herniation requiring surgery.


While attending a celebration, our client slipped on glass and sustained a hip injury.


Our client required surgery and future medical care.


While shopping at a grocery store, our client slipped on an unknown substance causing aggravation to pre-existing injuries.


Failure to identify patient injury.

PEDESTRIAN ACCIDENT - Confidential Settlement

Our client was an amputee who was operating his power scooter down the local street. When he attempted to cross the intersection at the crosswalk, a motorist became impatient and attempted to overtake the car that had stopped to allow him to pass. Unfortunately, that motorist did not see our client and struck him head on causing catastrophic damages to our client’s prosthetic leg, his wheelchair, and also causing substantial fractures and lacerations on our client’s body. Unfortunately for our client, he had limited financial means and his entire medical stay was paid for by Medicare and Medicaid. After a successful settlement, our law firm undertook the endeavor of maximizing our client’s settlement by minimizing the liens that had been assessed by Medicare and Medicaid. Our efforts afforded our client a substantially greater amount of resources available to him after the conclusion of our Medicare appeal.

BRAIN INJURY - Confidential Settlement

One night, our client and his friends were enjoying their time together at a local bar. At closing time, our client’s friends went outside and an altercation ensued over a girl. Our client attempted to pacify the combatants and in attempting to stop the fight was hit in the back of the head with a brick causing severe cranial trauma and a brain injury. Even though the bar’s insurance company claimed that they did not cover the bar for intentional acts of third parties, our firm was able to craft a complaint that caused the insurance policy to be applicable. This case was settled for a confidential amount.

DOG BITE - Confidential Settlement

Our client was an air-conditioning repair man who was scheduled to work on a client’s home. When he arrived, the customer opened the door and a vicious dog ran past it’s master’s hands and attacked our client. Our client succeeded in evading the dog and attempted to get into his van when the dog attached himself to our client’s ribcage. The insurance company disclaimed coverage indicating that they did not cover the individual insured for animal bites. Through some creative motion practice, our firm was successful in obtaining a cause of action that was covered under the insurance policy and the case settled shortly thereafter for a confidential amount.


In a recent case, Peter L. Tragos, Esq. represented the plaintiff who was verbally and physically assaulted at his place of work. The plaintiff was a waiter at the establishment and was verbally assaulted with homophobic slurs and profanities by the owner’s son who was intoxicated at the time. The waiter ignored the abuse, but the owner’s son came back and physically battered him. As a result, the firm secured a $200,000 judgment on behalf of the client.

FATAL CAR ACCIDENT - Confidential Settlement

In an unfortunate fatal accident our clients, twin sisters, were passengers in a motor vehicle that was struck by a rented vehicle driven by the defendant’s boyfriend, who had no valid driver’s license and was intoxicated at the time. Unfortunately, one sister was fatally injured and passed away shortly thereafter at the hospital, while the second sister fought for her life in what would result in a multiple year effort for her to regain her ability to walk and speak. Although the initial case evaluation did not appear that there were sufficient assets to compensate our client’s injuries, our firm was able to successfully argue unique causes of action that were out of the box. Based on our efforts, our clients were awarded multiple policy limits from multiple carriers.

POLICY LIMITS SETTLEMENT - Confidential Settlement

Our client was a guest at an open-house party when he and several other young people under the age of 21 were consuming alcohol. In an unfortunate chain of events, our client’s vehicle hit the curb, overturned and hit a tree head on killing our client instantly. Based on our investigation, the facts revealed that the alcohol had been provided by the children of the homeowner where the party was being held. Even though the homeowners were away and the insurance company argued that they had no knowledge, therefore no liability, we were able to secure multiple policy limits in the settlement of this matter.

MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT - Confidential Settlement

In a catastrophic chain of events, our client was riding his motorcycle when a pickup truck pulled out in front of him unexpectedly. The force of the impact was so great that the motorcycle disintegrated upon impact with the pickup truck, and the pickup truck was cut in half. Although the police investigation yielded no alcohol results for the driver of the pickup truck, our investigation uncovered a medical condition that should have precluded the driver of the pickup truck from operating a motor vehicle. Based on our investigation the insurance company settled the claim for policy limits.

NEGLIGENCE SETTLEMENT - Confidential Settlement

Our client was a patient at a psychological facility to aid in her personal addictions. While at the facility, our client was befriended by one of the staff members and life appeared as if it were getting better. Unfortunately, what our client did not know was that this staff member had hidden his previous criminal history from his employer and his friendliness was nothing more than a mask to take advantage of our client. Our client discovered that she had been robbed not only of her personal property and her money, but also of her dignity when the staff member had spent the night with her at her home. Upon realizing that she had been robbed, our client contacted the rehab facility to report the incident and was told by the director that that this particular employee was HIV positive. The stress and personal devastation felt by our client culminated when she attempted suicide in order to end her problems. Thankfully, she was found by family members and was treated for her injuries. Furthermore, it was ascertained that she had not been infected although the breach of the duty owed to her by facility was undermined. Based on our firm’s efforts, the case settled at mediation for a confidential settlement.

HULK HOGAN SETTLEMENT - Confidential Settlement

Our client, was catastrophically injured by the reckless driving of Nick Bollea, son of wrestler Hulk Hogan. After years of fighting an army of attorneys, our firm was able to secure a confidential settlement to ease the financial burden our client and his family will carry for the rest of his life.

CORPORATE SETTLEMENT - Confidential Settlement

Our client was visiting the Tampa Bay area and booked an appointment at a local spa for some rest and relaxation. Little did she know that the masseuse that had been hired by the spa had a history of misconduct leading to a sexual battery in the spa’s treatment room.

CAR ACCIDENT - Confidential Settlement

Our client was a 16-year-old girl driving home from her high school when she was t-boned by a passing motorist. Our client’s injuries were substantial enough that she was life-flighted to the local level one trauma center where she underwent numerous surgeries. Law enforcement’s initial investigation deemed that our client was at fault for the accident. Based on our investigation and our willingness to fight the law enforcement officer’s version of the facts, we were able to win the traffic citation and produce evidence to show that our client, in fact, was not at fault but the victim. Our law firm also was able to procure a multiple policy limit settlement for our client.


Our client was a four-year-old boy who was walking with his parents inside of a stroller. Unfortunately, a passing motorist lost control of their vehicle and struck our client’s stroller causing significant injuries. After a successful settlement with the driver of the vehicle, our law firm undertook the endeavor of maximizing our young client’s settlement in order for him to have the best benefit of his claim when he reaches the age of 18. We were instrumental in providing financial experts and ultimately assisting in the preparation of a trust and annuity that was never before attempted as a vehicle for maintaining the proceeds of the settlement. Courts in our jurisdiction now utilize our method for the settlements of young victims of accidents in order to make sure that they have the best chance of maximizing their overall settlements in the future.

SLIP AND FALL - Confidential Settlement

Our client was a guest at a local department store. As she was walking to the pharmacy she slipped on what was later identified as a cleaning solution that had been negligently left on the floor of the department store. The initial injuries to our client did not appear substantial until it was determined that our client’s 20-year-old breast implants had ruptured inside of her chest cavity causing the silicone to permeate into her flesh. After significant, multiple surgeries, our client was restored to health and the department store who initially had denied payment of this claim settled for a substantial confidential settlement.

SCHOOL BOARD SETTLEMENT - Confidential Settlement

Our client’s child was a student at a local school and one day in aftercare, the custodian at the school asked the girl if she could help him. Unfortunately, the young child did not recognize the signs of a sexual predator and the devastating result that occurred. Our law firm successfully prosecuted the claim against the school board and endeavored to keep our client’s personal information away from the press that hounded the case. This case settled for a confidential settlement.

CHILD NEGLECT – Confidential Settlement

Our client’s 3 year old daughter had a seizure while at school and was neglected for more than fifteen minutes before an ambulance was called. Our firm was able to secure a settlement for the minor that was confidential and life changing.