Personal Injury
How much is my case worth?
Well, the answer to this is, "It depends". Everybody class="video-faq-postindex" wants to know this answer as soon as they show up to our office for an initial consultation. Any
What are PIP benefits and what does it pay for?
Florida law has something called personal injury protection, which means everybody class="video-faq-postindex" in Florida is obligated to have at least 10,000 dollars of personal
What does property damage liability insurance pay for?
Property damage or liability insurance in Florida covers the other person's vehicle if you were to be at fault and caused damage to somebody class="video-faq-postindex" else's
What if I don’t agree with my valuation of the property damage?
Speaker 1: If the insurance company is providing you compensation for your vehicle and you don't agree with the damages, you have the right to
What should a victim do if approached with a settlement by an insurance company?
The first thing a victim should do, if they're approached by an insurance company, is hire a lawyer. Call them, ask them to look at this offer for
What should I do if the insurance company offers me a check right away?
I don't say this a lot, but call a lawyer immediately. Most of the time I tell people, "Get medical treatment. Make sure you're talking to people to