Establishing Liability in Tampa Slip and Fall Cases
A slip and fall injury can have long-term implications. An individual could sustain severe injuries. The pain of these injuries is hard enough to deal with, without having to also deal with the unanticipated costs that come with receiving medical treatment. If you have sustained an injury as the result of a fall, your primary focus should be on getting better, which is where a personal injury attorney can help. A capable injury lawyer will have experience establishing liability in Tampa slip and fall cases, and can build your case so you can concentrate on recovering. Contact a lawyer and know you are in good hands.
Proving Liability and Breach of Duty
When establishing liability in Tampa slip and fall cases, the attorney must prove who is responsible for the injury and is in control of what caused the injury. If it is wheelchair ramp, then the liable party is whoever controls the common areas of the property. If it is the floor of a restaurant, then it is whoever controls the restaurant. The owner is not as important as the controller of the property for who the responsible party is.
Furthermore, an individual cannot sue an owner if they have a leaky ceiling that has caused a leak in the bathroom and the plaintiff tripped and fell. Just because they have a breach of duty and the bathroom and has a wet floor, it does not mean that the breach caused the injury that the client had by their table. They have to actually slip and fall in the bathroom where the breach of duty occurs in order to connect that breach of duty as the cause of the injury in the case.
Factors When Determining Damages
After establishing liability in Tampa slip and fall cases, a person looks to the doctors and the people that actually provided medical treatment and care to the plaintiff to prove damages because they are the ones that are going to proved their bills for the treatment they have already rendered and also applying to how much the future bills and future injuries are going to play a role in a slip and fall case A person may have to look to a general contractor or some construction expert to talk about the responsibility of the landowner or controller and what they should have done or could do in the future to prevent future accidents.
Impact of the Age of the Injured Party on the Case
Age can be a positive and a negative as far as a person’s claim goes. If a person is young, their youth might prevent them from sustaining a serious injury which means that their claim will not amount to as much. Despite their claim being smaller, at least the person has not sustained a serious or life altering injury. An older person might fall and sustain a more serious injury as the result of their age and have a larger claim.
However, if a young person does fall and suffers a serious injury then their case is worth even more than an older person because it is going to cost more money to maintain their medical treatment throughout their lifetime than somebody that is older and vice versa for an older client. It is all based on the chart and how old they are, there is a chart and a life expectancy chart and that is how the law guesses how old they are going to be.
Benefit of an Attorney
When establishing liability in Tampa slip and fall cases, the guidance of an experienced personal injury lawyer is indispensable. If you have fallen as the result of negligence, contact an attorney who can fight for you and will devote the time and resources necessary to establish a positive outcome for you.