Tampa Paralysis Lawyer
Suffering a paralyzing injury is a devastating experience that completely changes a person’s life. Losing the ability to get around without assistance severely alters how someone goes about their day and resume normal activities as they used to.
In addition, the medical expenses – both in terms of immediate recovery and long-term rehabilitation – are enormous. If you are dealing with the aftermath of a paralyzing injury, you should talk to a Tampa catastrophic injury and paralysis lawyer who has handled these kinds of cases before and knows how to get the compensation that you deserve.
Types of Paralysis
The common types of paralysis are:
- Monoplegia, which affects only one arm or leg.
- Hemiplegia, which affects one arm and one leg on the same side of the injured person’s body.
- Paraplegia, which affects both legs.
- Quadriplegia, or tetraplegia, which affects both arms and both legs.
No matter what type of paralysis a person may be facing, it is life altering and can be very difficult to cope with. A paralysis lawyer in Tampa understands the difficulty an individual is experiencing and wants to help them be able to move on with their life with the best opportunities available to them.
Worsening of the Condition
Some of the more common conditions that may follow paralysis include bed sores, swelling, and fluid retention in different parts of body, which can be very dangerous and painful. Paralysis can sometimes be worsened by an individual’s inability to move or exercise a particular part of the body. When atrophy sets in, it is like the body forgets how to function.
In severe instances, an individual can suffer from either paraplegia or quadriplegia. Paraplegia is paralysis of less than half of the body. In most cases of paraplegia, the individual has lost the use of their legs. Further, quadriplegia is a paralysis of all four limbs, meaning the individual does not have the use of either their arms or legs.
Causes of Injuries
There are many causes of paralysis injuries. Some typical ones include:
- Motor vehicle collisions
- Striking one’s head on the bottom of a swimming pool
- Scuba diving accidents
- Medical malpractice
Many people find themselves paralyzed after being in a vehicle that went out of control at high speed. In such a case, it is important to conduct a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the crash.
Witnesses to motor vehicle collisions can sometimes disappear, or their memories can fade. That is why it is so important for a Tampa paralysis attorney to get them on the record as soon as possible.
Other Potential Causes
Another common way that individuals suffer paralysis injuries is by using unsafe swimming pools. People who operate swimming pools have a duty to make clear how deep the various segments of the pool are and whether the pool is safe for diving. Swimmers who hit their heads on the bottom of the pool – with the result being paraplegia or quadriplegia – are entitled to recover damages.
High school and college students who play football, or other full-contact sports, have become paralyzed. Sometimes the equipment they were using was not adequate to give them the protection they needed.
Others suffer paralysis injuries due to the negligence of a physician. A mistake during neurological or orthopedic surgery can lead to paralysis, as well as permanent damage to the spine or the brain.
Taking action quickly after an injury is a key element in rehabilitation and recovery. If a physician fails to diagnose the injury promptly, it may progress past the point where it can be treated effectively.
Determining Liability
Liability is determined in paralysis cases by identifying that an individual owed a duty or failed to perform an obligation, which is the actual and proximate cause of injuries.
Florida has comparative fault, which means that an individual may be liable for either all or a portion of their injury, which can be subtracted from their overall settlement. If the court determines that a person was 30% responsible for their own accident, they can expect to receive 30% less in damages.
Recovering Damages
The damages that can be obtained in paralysis injury cases include economic damages (e.g.: medical expenses, lost income), non-economic (e.g.: emotional distress), and punitive (meant to punish the conduct of the defendant) damages.
Even if the person was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash, they may still be able to recover damages. Florida is one of the many states that uses a comparative negligence standard. This means that whatever amount the injured party was negligent, their recovery will be reduced by that amount.
In most personal injury cases in Florida, the injured person has four years from the date of the accident to file a claim.
How a Paralysis Attorney Can Help
If you or a member of your family has suffered a paralyzing injury, you need advice from skilled paralysis lawyers in Tampa who know how to gather the evidence and build a strong case for youin order to recover the compensation you deserve.