Avoid these 5 common causes of slips, trips or falls in Florida
Personal injuries resulting from slip-and-fall incidents are much more common than most people realize. These accidents occur in a wide variety of scenarios and locations, including private and public property and the workplace. They can be caused by many things, including negligence on the part of property managers and owners as well as employers. Or slip and falls can simply be the result of the injured victim’s lack of awareness of dangerous conditions.
The latter situation is usually a component of any defense claim made by a possible negligent actor who has failed regarding the safety of the injured party. The entire issue always comes down to what caused the accident and who is ultimately at fault.
Here are the top 5 ways slip-and-fall accidents happen.

1. Wet and slick walkways
One of the most common causes of a slip-and-fall accident injury is a wet or slick walking surface. This can occur outside on wet pavement during inclement weather, which is why these accidents happen frequently in Florida during stormy weather. Sometimes business managers or employers are negligent in maintaining a clear and dry walking surface for customers and employees in well-travelled locations, which can result in potential injury claims.
Pay attention when walking on floors that have recently been mopped or waxed, even if these areas have been appropriately marked with signs.
2. Uneven floors and mats
Floors aren’t always perfectly even, especially hardwood or floors in older houses, and some are rough in texture as well. Those who use a wheelchair, cane, or other assistance should be particularly careful on uneven ground.
Mats and carpets can be problematic as well if they are kicked up on corners and present a tripping hazard. Mats can retain water, regardless of whether they are carpeted or not, which makes them appear safe only to actually be slick.
These causes can seem as though they’re the fault of others, but unawareness by the victim can contribute to the accident.
3. Poor walkway maintenance
Regardless of weather conditions, property owners and business managers are responsible for maintaining walkways both inside and outside of their establishment. Private property owners have the same responsibility, but the authority to occupy the property is a legal issue as well when an injured party is attempting to recover financial damages from an accident.
Poor maintenance can include failure to keep walkways clear of debris or trash, not repairing cracks or potholes, or not fallen leaves and other tripping hazards.
4. Poor footwear
Poor footwear is a major factor in slip-and-fall accidents. This is especially important in the workplace, as rubber soles or insulated footwear is required in many occupations.
Failure to comply with rules and regulations regarding proper walking shoes can lead to an injury at the expense of the employee. Most workplace injuries don’t involve personal contributions when work responsibilities are being performed. Instead of risking the pain and cost of an injury, it’s best to comply with whatever shoes are required for your job.
5. Cords and poor lighting
Cords are tripping hazards in any situation, and they are particularly dangerous in manufacturing operations. Many industrial operations require electrical equipment and other types of cords (i.e. water hoses) that can easily get in the way when workers are in constant motion.
Dark coloration of equipment and poor lighting are common in many industrial processes, and employees should always be properly trained in recognizing these dangerous situations, including elimination of the hazards whenever possible.
The first safety rule when cords and cables are used in production is that there should be a place for everything and everything should be in its place at all times. If this isn’t the case, speak with your supervisor directly to correct the situation and avoid an injury.
Contact an experienced Florida slip-and-fall accident attorney
When you’re on the move, it’s important to always be aware of your surroundings. Watch where you’re walking and keep an eye out for debris, wet spots, uneven surfaces, or bulky cords.
Despite your best efforts, accidents still happen. When they do, and it’s at the fault of another party, consult with a Florida slip-and-fall lawyer who is experienced in representing these types of injury claims.
While workplace injury claims are normally no-fault workers’ compensation issues, comparative negligence claims against the injured claimant can still be an issue in non-employment injury cases. The attorney you choose to handle your claim can make a major difference, and it’s important to have competent and skilled legal representatives with a solid track record of results.