Clearwater Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer
Simply stated, a spinal cord injury is damage sustained by the spinal cord due to a traumatic impact, internal degeneration, or disease. The World Health Organization has estimated that nine out of 10 such injuries are in fact the result of some sort of trauma and between 250,000 and 500,000 individuals suffer such harm each and every year.
While the specific manifestations of spinal cord damage can vary significantly depending on the type and location of the trauma, their impact can be lasting and truly debilitating in nature. The primary and secondary conditions caused by spinal injuries can be agonizing and indeed life-threatening. These circumstances are all the more tragic when damage to the spinal cord was caused by the negligent acts or omissions of others.
Floridians who have experienced this type of loss often turn to a Clearwater spinal cord injury lawyer who will fight hard for the financial compensation they need, as well as deserve. To discuss your case and begin filing a claim consult with a catastrophic injury attorney today.
Spinal Cord Injury Basics
Far too frequently, trauma to the spinal cord yields long-lasting disability for those directly affected, not to mention extraordinary challenges for those who love them.
Injuries within this category can occur in any number of ways. The National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center reports that auto accidents are the leading cause of such harm, with falls, violent altercations, and sports-related incidents together comprising a large proportion of cases each year.
Though not as prevalent as the aforementioned causes of harm, malpractice committed during back and neck surgery is also responsible for a number of spinal cord injuries annually.
Injury Consequences
The profound impact of spinal cord injuries cannot be denied and can include partial or even total loss of motor control and sensory function, interference with circulation and heart rate, chronic pain, respiratory difficulties, deep vein thrombosis, and other concerns.
The severity of these impairments renders many injury victims completely dependent on others, a fact which causes upwards of 30 percent of such individuals to suffer signs of clinical depression.
Financial Toll
Clearly, the mental, emotional, and physical costs of spinal cord injuries are overwhelming, but it is also the case that the financial toll taken by such harm can put entire families at risk of collapse.
Direct medical and other expenses in the first year following an injury of this type can be overwhelming, and a future characterized by ongoing therapeutic and care requirements can be extraordinarily daunting. When a spinal cord injury makes returning to work an impossibility, many victims wonder how they will be able to move forward with any sense of financial stability.
Filing a Lawsuit
Recovery in the aftermath of a spinal cord injury and the process of adjusting to a whole new set of physical limitations involves an often-arduous and almost certainly expensive journey.
Specialized therapies and treatments, assistive equipment, home accessibility modifications, and continuous care services are all costly propositions, and victims are often left doubting their ability to pay the bills.
When a spinal cord injury is caused by the negligence of another, those who have suffered harm are afforded the right to pursue substantial financial compensation from those responsible. A spinal cord injury attorney in Clearwater can help injured parties and their loved ones to get compensation for:
- Lost wages
- Physical pain and suffering
- Diminished earning potential
- Medical bills
- Ongoing therapy
- Emotional distress
- Loss of marital relationship
There is certainly no dollar amount large enough to erase the devastation resulting from a serious spinal cord injury. However, victims who prevail in their claim for fair compensation will at the very least have the financial resources needed to build a brighter possible future.
How a Clearwater Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer Can Help
When the unexpected happens and life is turned upside down by a catastrophic spinal cord injury, confusion and panic can quickly take hold.
Fortunately, a Clearwater spinal cord injury lawyer stands prepared to investigate the facts and zealously advocate for the rights of those who have suffered due to the negligent acts of another. To discover how a lawyer with our firm can assist you and your family, contact us today.